Give your Kids a Better Story


Our life is a story, a narrative, a novel. It’s a story, where, some of it or a lot of it has already been written, but a great deal still remains. We didn’t start our own story and we don’t know how it ends, but we have ample control over what goes in between.

What is your story? There’s likely good and bad, painful and joyful, care-free and challenging chapters. Your view of God greatly impacts your story.

As parents, we began our kids’ stories. I mean, I was there in the beginning, right? You were there for yours. I remember my kids’ births. I’ve known them all their lives and I have written much of what is becoming their story already. But the world has a story it wants to write on your child’s heart as well, and for me, that story has often left me hanging, wanting. It’s left me at times unsatisfied, insecure, jealous and angry. Right now, your son or daughter’s school bus is writing their story. TikTok is writing their story. XBox: Call of Duty is writing their story. That’s not all bad, but it’s not all good, either. We can do better for our kids.

Allow me to suggest (since it’s my article 😉) that a life following Jesus, the Christian life, is a life of real fulfillment, adventure and accomplishment. Primarily, because it’s a life that locates its ideals and values and aspirations not simply in our current life, but in the afterlife, eternal life. It transcends our current reality. Now that’s a life I can sink my teeth into.

As parents, we will always be the most important storyteller in our kid’s lives, for better or for worse. We are marking them indelibly for the rest of their lives. They will pass down what we teach them to their kids- your grandkids. So give your kids a better story than the world offers. 

How do we do that? Well, each one of us has interesting and unique opportunities we can provide to our kids. What are they for you? Whether they are through our profession or a certain expertise, or a hobby, or we know certain people that can offer special experiences to our sons and daughters, I’m talking about wholesome, exciting, adventurous and interesting things. Things that will bring pride and self-esteem and good memories, not messages of shame, regret and loneliness.

Think about what you personally do, or have done, or someone you know that does something interesting and fun. Then do it. For example, my oldest son loves souped-up Dodge Chargers. When he was in town, I arranged for a buddy of mine who has a Scat Pack Charger to take him for…shall we say ”joyride?” 😳. Judging by the look on his face, I don’t think he’ll forget it soon. Look for fun, little or big things where you can make a memory together and a laugh. 

You’re the master storyteller in your son or daughter’s life. Now get your kids up off their Xbox, their iPhone and give them a better story.

You got this. 👊🏽


Give Your Kids a Better Story: Video Intro


This is The Way