The Destructive Power of Porn


You’ve probably seen the sad news. FBI child-porn hunters Daniel Alfin, 36, and Laura Schwartzenberger, 43, (above) were gunned down in an early morning raid in Florida on February 2, 2021. The suspect opened fire through the door with 60 rounds from an AK-47 as the agents approached his apartment.

This hits home for me. As you know, my dad was an FBI agent, focusing on organized crime and the Mafia. One day in 1986, my mom picked me up from middle school and told me that 2 Agents had been killed by bank robbers in Florida. It scared me. I always knew there was a small chance my dad would not make it home one night, and that incident in the 80’s made it clear.

Porn demand and usage has exploded in the last several years. The destigmatization of porn and the easy accessibility is driving it. It’a click away on our phones at all times. Teenage girls are being pressured to look and act like porn stars (Btw: always read your kids’ texts) It’s what they think the boys want, and they are right. These boys’ prepubescent brains are so saturated with the dopamine-fueled neural pathways porn brings they believe sex is the staged and fabricated scenes they see on their screens. And it’s not just teenagers. Bring this stuff into a marriage and it’s like tossing a hand grenade into your sex life. Many of you men know what I’m talking about.

Some people argue that porn is different nowadays. The new empowering and sex-positive porn is actually a sign of women’s strength, choice and power. Fine, if you want to call it that, but for men, it’s victimization, pure and simple. It’s not empowering and not positive for men. It’s a terrible addictive monster and it warps our minds towards violence and objectification of women. Before he was executed in the 80’s, serial killer Ted Bundy attested to how porn drove his heinous crimes. I’d say this guy knows what he’s talking about.

Child porn is the next step for many addicts. From what I hear from the FBI, they are executing upwards of 2 child porn ( called VCAC) Violent Crimes Against Children, raids per week. I had no idea it was this bad, did you? And for almost every child-porn perpetrator, conventional porn is the on-ramp. That is terrifying.

These heroic agents dedicated their careers to fighting back against this evil. I am so grateful for them. They were willing to give their lives to protect American children, and they did just that. May God bless, protect and provide for their families.

In coming articles, I’ll be addressing how to engage your kids on the subject of pornography. And yes, that is something you NEED to talk with them about (boys and girls). Remember, it’s either you or the school bus.

Until then, stay in the game. Fight the good fight. You got this.




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