This Election could be a “Come to Jesus” Moment

This election could be a “come to Jesus” moment.

Sorry, there’s no other politics on here other than that. Jesus is political enough 😁.

Regardless of which side you’re on, I’ll bet you’re feeling a decent amount of anxiety about the election. We all are. What if Trump wins? What if Harris wins? Will life go on as usual? What will happen to the world?

This is a good time to examine your worldview. We all have a worldview about what we believe is true about life, God, people, and the afterlife.

What do you believe? If you believe in an absolute sovereign, a good deity in charge of all people and all of nature, who has kind intentions for our lives, that should give you peace. Whatever happens, God’s got us.

But, if you believe we’re all here merely by random mutation and natural selection, you should be worried. It may not be okay. You never know. And, you’ve got a real problem on your hands explaining the existence of empathy and kindness in human beings if it’s just survival of the fittest. We may not be able to save the planet. In fact, the Bible says the earth will pass away someday.  

Statistics show most people believe in the concept of a god. But not all gods are the same. If you do the research, you’ll see there are different requirements from different Gods, different standards for being in their good graces, and some aren’t even personal enough to care about you at all. Is Karma a god?- as Taylor Swift sings ( I just wanted to write “Taylor Swift” in here). Well, Karma is all about performance. There’s no forgiveness with Karma. If you screw up, you’re screwed. Doesn’t sound too attractive to me.

Allow me to rep the Christian God, who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son- to offer us forgiveness for our imperfections and mistakes and evil hearts SO THAT we could be in a relationship with Him. This is not some aloof impersonal force- this is a relational being that wants relational closeness with you and me. Amazing! With the Christian God- Jesus- it’s all about relationship.

There’ve been far worse choices (and no choices)- in the past for leaders of countries. Every generation has had tragedies that made people think their moment was the end of the world.

Jesus can handle having different rulers in place. He’s not up in Heaven wringing His hands, hoping it works out. He’s not waving a foam # 1 hand anxiously rooting for His team. He’s not seeing a therapist.

He is the ruler. He is the therapist.

Jesus is Lord has always been a political statement. It meant that Caesar wasn’t the real king- Jesus was. And the prevailing rulers of our day aren’t the real kings, either. Whatever power they have has been allowed by God. Remember Jesus’ statement to Pilate before He was crucified? “You would have no authority over Me at all unless it had been given to you from above” (John 19:11).

So this election could be a “come to Jesus moment” for us. A time where we look someplace else for real stability and security. Neither of these presidential candidates are going to save our soul. They can’t fix our brokenness, the human heart, or the problem of evil and death. They can’t offer us the forgiveness and acceptance we long for. They can’t offer us eternal life and lasting peace.

Jesus can.

Make sure to vote! 🇺🇸



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