Joe Biden & Hunter Biden

OK FINE!! Yes, I used this caption and title as clickbait LOL.

But you know me better than that, I won’t be making statements here about politics 😉.

What I do want to talk about is the personal relationship between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. From the looks of this picture, they clearly have a warm father/son relationship.

I picked this up a while back, even before Hunter came into the news.

President Biden’s other son, Beau, was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2013 at the age of 44. From reading articles and watching the news, it was clear that Beau and the President’s relationship was a close one. I remember seeing pictures of the two of them together, smiling and laughing at various events. When Beau passed away a few years after that, I read that he spent his last weeks in the hospital attempting to convince Joe to run for president again. He wanted his dad to be president. And now he is.

Then Hunter came into the news, being the subject of various questionable financial and personal life decisions and activities. Lots of controversies, lots of accusations. I believe he’s currently being investigated by the DOJ.

BUT, you can see that Hunter Biden and his father are also close. I based that on anecdotal interviews, news pieces and photos that I saw (I didn’t even see the interview where I got this picture until now). For me, I thought it was a fair assumption.

The other day, I came across a quote from Hunter that substantiated my belief. Here is Hunter speaking about his relationship with his dad:

" My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world…All those fears you think that I have of people not liking me or that I don't love myself … I don't fear that. You know why I don't fear that? Because the man I most admire in the world, that god to me, thinks I'm a god, — I had the support to know I can do anything."

The Gazette, June 2022

So let’s think about this. Putting politics aside or whatever you think personally of President Biden, it’s fair to say Hunter has been a controversial figure, at least in the past. He’s been candid about his struggles with substance abuse and we’ve learned about his extra-marital trysts. There have been accusations of duplicitous business deals. Many people might shake their head and say, “Gosh, the poor kid is mixed up. He’s acting out because he didn’t have a mother figure,” or “He’s always had to live in his dad’s shadow.” or “That’s an entitled wealthy kid for you.” A lot of negative things could be said.

But whatever you want to say about Hunter Biden, he’s not insecure about where he stands with his dad. Nor is he insecure about himself as a person. He feels loved and believed in. He thinks he can take on the world.

Because his dad accepts him.

Catch that. It’s profound. Hunter is secure in his own identity- because of his dad.

It goes to show the power of an engaged father.

A son who feels liked and respected by his father is not a son who has a father wound he’s desperately trying to plug- trying to show the world (and his dad) that he has what it takes- proving himself again and again, overachieving, looking around to see if anyone notices. Begging someone to notice.

Tell your son that you believe in him, that you love him. Then show him he’s respected by asking his opinion, spending time with him, and attending sporting and group events. Spending time, regardless of what you’re doing, communicates far more to kids than words ever could. It says, “I prefer your company over others.” “I accept you.” “I like you.”

Hunter Biden might be a lot of things or have a lot of things, but a father wound is not one of them. Being insecure about himself is not one of them.

An engaged father has power.

Use it.



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